Site icon Xponent

Twenty editors – one events management system

Dataföreningen i Sverige (The Swedish Computer Society) asked Xponent create their new website. In addition to the usual page and news management they also wanted to be able to handle all the events the society organizes around Sweden. A total of almost a event per day organized by one of the offices around Sweden. The requirement was that it could be done by all volunteers that put in hours in their spare time. It turned out that there were a total of 20 persons working as editors, therefore we designed a system that can manage all of the events and is easy to operate even for the editors who isn’t frequently updating the site. We did this through a form based system, which the editor can enter information into in order to provide the event with all the information needed. For the visitor, it is also easy to sign up when the system is linked to their membership database.

The site is designed to be fully responsive, built upon Genesis and uses Google Webfonts. The design is more less than more and lends its expression from the open source font Source Sans Pro. An important tool is the Page Builder which is used to give the editors more freedom in designing every single page.


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